Et Cetera

The Words & Writings of Sean Richmond

Excuses, Updates, Et Cetera

My plan has come to fruition, at last! After building up a minuscule following (and when I say minuscule, I mean minuscule), I successfully threw them off the trail by ceasing all updates whatsoever to the site. Why this may be a desirable outcome may be confusing to most, but trust me, it makes sense.

But rest assured, gentle (ie imaginary) reader, I have not been entirely idle during my absence. I have been reading, though not as quickly as I would like, and preparing reviews in my subconscious for the day that I would make my return. Those reviews, shortened and grouped in bulk for optimum dispensing will be up shortly, but after that the blog will take a slightly different direction.

I will take it from writing reviews of what I'm reading, to simply writing. As I do almost every year, I will be attempting NaNoWriMo. What's different this year, is the fact that I intend to post semi-daily updates as to my progress. Now, the forms these updates will take I am currently uncertain about, be it simply posting whatever I wrote that day, or a word count with my thoughts on how badly it's going, or maybe posting completed chapters every few days or so when they're done. It could be any of these, or all really, so we'll just have to see how it goes and play it by ear.

So, if you have somehow caught whiff of the new posts coming up in the coming days and are really only interested in book reviews, well, sorry? I'll be sure to post a few, as I've said, but in the main those brave enough to actually read will have to suffer through poor writing and even poorer plotting and character building. These posts will be for my own use, mostly, a way of putting my work out in the "public" so as to grant myself a sense of accountability.

Much like this post. Am I expecting anyone to read, or to care even? No, certainly not! But it will be here, for posterity, so that I may look back and laugh at my own foolishness and hubris.

So, there you have it. A patented rambling post only barely coherent that gives you just a taste of what is to come for the month of November!

Now, to just figure out what the hell I'm going to write.